Allergies. If you live in Austin then you definitely know about allergies. When I moved here years ago someone asked me. “Do you ever get cedar fever?”
I said, “no.”
“Don’t worry.” They answered. “You will.”
Boy, were they right. A few years later and wham! It just hits you. Allergies in this town cause a lot of stress for a lot of people. That’s why it made it especially fun to co-write and co-direct this fun commercial spot for Texan Allergy.
With a great cast, including an adorable little girl, an awesome client, multiple scenic Austin locations and a terrific crew, we pulled off a fun commercial spot that can help allergy sufferers get a little relief.
Add to the mix a dash of slow-mo, a bit of floating bubbles and a touch of lens flare and you have … “Texan Allergy: Changing Lives One Drop at a Time.”